Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [Quick Ways to Restore]

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Written By Kelley

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To fix Excel date formatting not working, start by selecting the cells you want to format. Then, go to the Format Cells box, click on the Number tab, choose Date from the Category list, and select the desired date format in Type.

This will help restore and fix the date formatting issue in Excel.

Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [Quick Ways to Restore]


Common Excel Date Formatting Issues

Are you facing common Excel date formatting issues and struggling to fix them? Learn quick ways to restore Excel date formatting that is not working, including changing text to numbers, using Text to Columns, and formatting cells with the desired date format.

Say goodbye to date formatting problems in Excel with these easy solutions.

Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [Quick Ways to Restore]

Dates Displaying As Text

If you find that your dates in Excel are displaying as text, it can be frustrating. This often happens when the cells are not formatted as dates, causing Excel to treat them as text values rather than dates.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells containing the dates that are displaying as text.
  2. Go to the “Format Cells” option in the Excel menu or right-click on the selected cells and choose “Format Cells”.
  3. In the “Number” tab of the “Format Cells” window, select the “Date” category.
  4. Choose the desired date format from the list.
  5. Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Unable To Change Date Format

If you are unable to change the date format in Excel, it might be due to the cells being formatted as text or having specific formatting applied to them.

To resolve this issue, try the following:

  • Select the cells that you want to change the date format for.
  • Go to the “Format Cells” option or right-click on the selected cells and choose “Format Cells”.
  • In the “Number” tab of the “Format Cells” window, select the “Date” category.
  • Choose the desired date format from the list.
  • If the date format you want is not available, you can create a custom date format using the options provided.
  • Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Messed Up Dates In Excel

If your dates in Excel are messed up, it could be due to various reasons such as incorrect formatting, data import issues, or compatibility problems.

To fix messed up dates in Excel, consider the following steps:

  1. Select the cells containing the messed up dates.
  2. Go to the “Data” tab in the Excel menu.
  3. Click on “Text to Columns”.
  4. In the “Text to Columns” wizard, choose “Delimited” and click “Next”.
  5. Uncheck all delimiters and click “Next”.
  6. Select the appropriate date or general format and click “Finish”.


If you’re encountering date formatting issues in Excel, such as dates displaying as text or being unable to change the format, follow the steps mentioned to resolve them. By correctly formatting the cells and utilizing Excel’s date formatting options, you can restore the desired date format in your Excel sheets.

Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [Quick Ways to Restore]


Fixing Dates Displaying As Text

Having trouble with Excel date formatting not working? Here are quick ways to restore it. Start by selecting the cells you want to format, click on the Number tab in the Format Cells box, choose Date in the Category list, and select the desired date format.

Check If Data Is Number Or Text

When you encounter dates displaying as text in Excel, the first step is to determine whether the data is recognized as a number or text. This is important because Excel treats numbers and text differently when it comes to formatting dates. To check if your data is being recognized as number or text, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the cells containing the dates that are displaying as text.
  2. Right-click on the selected cells and choose “Format Cells” from the context menu.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, go to the Number tab and check the category displayed.
  4. If the category is set to “Text”, it means that Excel is treating the dates as text instead of numbers.

Trick To Change Text To Numbers

To fix dates that are being recognized as text, you can use a simple trick to convert them into numbers. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells containing the dates that are displaying as text.
  2. Go to the formula bar and enter the number 1.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Excel will automatically convert the text dates into numbers.

Using Text To Columns

Another method to fix dates displaying as text is by using the Text to Columns feature in Excel. This feature allows you to split the text into separate columns based on a delimiter. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select the cells containing the dates that are displaying as text.
  2. Go to the Data tab and click on the “Text to Columns” button.
  3. In the Text to Columns Wizard, choose the “Delimited” option and click Next.
  4. Uncheck all the delimiter options and click Next.
  5. In the next step, choose the “Date” option and select the desired date format.
  6. Click Finish to complete the process.

Using The Concat() Function

If the above methods didn’t work, you can try using the CONCAT() function in Excel to fix dates displaying as text. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new column next to the column containing the text dates.
  2. In the first cell of the new column, enter the formula =CONCAT(A1,””) (Replace A1 with the cell reference of the text date).
  3. Drag the formula down to fill the rest of the cells in the column.
  4. The CONCAT() function will convert the text dates into actual dates.

By following these quick and easy methods, you can effectively fix Excel date formatting issues where dates are displaying as text. Remember to always check if the data is recognized as number or text, and then apply the appropriate method accordingly.

Resolving Unable To Change Date Format

If you are unable to change the date format in Excel, you can easily fix it by selecting the cells you want to format, going to the Format Cells box, clicking on the Number tab, and choosing a date format from the Category list.

This quick solution will restore the proper date formatting.

Checking The Date Format Settings

To resolve the issue of unable to change date format in Excel, the first step is to check the date format settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select the cells that contain the dates you want to format.
  2. Click on the “Format” option in the main toolbar.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select “Format Cells” to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  4. Click on the “Number” tab in the dialog box.
  5. In the “Category” list, select “Date”.
  6. Choose the desired date format from the options available in the “Type” section.
  7. Click “OK” to apply the changes and format the dates.

Using Text To Columns Wizard

If checking the date format settings didn’t resolve the issue, you can try using the Text to Columns wizard. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the cells that contain the dates you want to format.
  2. Go to the “Data” tab in Excel’s main menu.
  3. Click on the “Text to Columns” button in the “Data Tools” section.
  4. In the “Text to Columns” wizard, select the “Delimited” option and click “Next”.
  5. Uncheck all delimiters in the list and click “Next”.
  6. Choose “Date” or “General” as the column data format and click “Finish”.

Formatting Months And Years

If you specifically want to format only the months and years in your date values, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells that contain the date values you want to format.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab in Excel’s main menu.
  3. In the “Number” section, click on the small arrow next to the “Number Format” box.
  4. From the dropdown menu, select “More Number Formats”.
  5. In the “Format Cells” dialog box, go to the “Number” tab.
  6. Choose “Custom” from the “Category” list.
  7. Enter the desired format code in the “Type” box. For example, “mmm-yy” for shorthand month and year.
  8. Click “OK” to apply the custom format.

Formatting Dates And Times

If you need to format both the dates and times in your Excel sheet, use the following steps:

  1. Select the cells that contain the date and time values you want to format.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab in Excel’s main menu.
  3. In the “Number” section, click on the small arrow next to the “Number Format” box.
  4. Select the desired date and time format from the dropdown menu.

By following these methods, you can easily resolve the issue of unable to change date format in Excel. It’s important to check the format settings, utilize the Text to Columns wizard, and apply specific formatting for months and years as well as dates and times.

Correcting Messed Up Dates In Excel

Dealing with messed up dates in Excel can be a frustrating experience. Incorrect date formatting can make it difficult to work with your data and achieve accurate results. Luckily, there are a few quick and easy ways to fix this issue. In this article, we will explore three methods to correct messed up dates in Excel: Highlight and convert dates, Using Text to Columns, and Getting the dates and times back. Let’s dive in!

Highlight And Convert Dates

If you have a column of dates that are not properly formatted, the first step is to highlight the cells containing the dates. To do this, simply click and drag over the range of cells that need to be corrected. Once you have selected the cells, navigate to the ‘Data’ tab in the ribbon menu. Look for the ‘Text to Columns’ option and click on it.

Using Text To Columns

When the ‘Text to Columns’ window opens, make sure the ‘Delimited’ option is selected. Next, click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed. In the next step, uncheck all delimiters and leave only the ‘Date’ or ‘General’ option checked. Finally, click on the ‘Finish’ button to apply the settings and convert the highlighted cells into proper date format.

Getting The Dates And Times Back

If the above methods don’t resolve the date formatting issue, another approach is to ensure that Excel recognizes the values as dates. To do this, select the column containing the dates and right-click on it. From the context menu, choose the ‘Format Cells’ option. In the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box, click on the ‘Number’ tab and select the ‘Date’ category. From the list of available date formats, choose the format that matches your desired output. Click ‘OK’ to apply the changes and see your dates restored to the correct format.

By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily correct messed up dates in Excel. Whether it’s using the ‘Highlight and convert dates’ method, employing the ‘Text to Columns’ feature, or taking advantage of the ‘Format Cells’ option, you now have the tools to resolve date formatting issues in Excel. Say goodbye to incorrect dates and hello to accurate data!

Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [Quick Ways to Restore]


Frequently Asked Questions For Fix Excel Date Formatting Not Working [quick Ways To Restore]

How Do I Restore Date Format In Excel?

To restore the date format in Excel, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the cell with the formatting issue. 2. Select ‘format cells’ and go to the ‘number’ tab. 3. Choose ‘date’ from the category list. 4. Select your preferred date format from the ‘type’ box.

What Do I Do If My Date Format Is Not Working In Excel?

To fix date format issues in Excel, follow these steps: 1. Highlight the problematic dates (not the formulas). 2. Go to the Data tab and click on Text to columns. 3. Choose “delimited” and click next. 4. Uncheck all delimiters and click next.

5. Select the “date” or “general” option and click finish. This will restore the date format in Excel.

How Do I Fix Messed Up Dates In Excel?

To fix messed up dates in Excel, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the cell with the formatting issue. 2. Select ‘format cells’. 3. Go to the ‘number’ tab. 4. From the category list, choose ‘date’. 5. Select your preferred date format in the ‘type’ box.

How Do I Force Excel To Format Date?

To force Excel to format a date, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on the cell with the formatting issue. 2. Select “Format Cells” from the options. 3. Go to the “Number” tab in the pop-up window. 4. Choose “Date” from the category list.

5. Select your preferred date format from the “Type” box.


To fix Excel date formatting issues, try the following quick methods. First, ensure the data is not formatted as text. Use the Text to Columns feature to convert text to numbers. Format the cells as tables or use the CONCAT() function.

Insert line charts for better visualization. Smooth out lines if needed. Finally, ensure the correct date format is selected. By following these steps, you can easily restore the correct date formatting in Excel. Don’t let date formatting problems hinder your work efficiency.

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