Fix Vertical Scroll Bar Not Working in Excel [Quick Methods]

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Written By Kelley

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Fix Vertical Scroll Bar Not Working in Excel [Quick Methods]


Have you ever encountered a situation where the vertical scroll bar in Excel is not working? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article, we will explore some quick methods to fix this issue and regain the ability to scroll vertically in Excel.

Reasons for Missing Scrollbar

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand why the vertical scroll bar may go missing in Excel. Some common reasons include:

  • Freeze Panes feature enabled
  • Stuck CTRL or SHIFT key
  • Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse enabled
  • Empty rows or columns beyond the data range

Methods to Fix the Issue

Method 1: Unfreeze Panes

If you have enabled the Freeze Panes feature in Excel, it can prevent the vertical scroll bar from working. To unfreeze panes, follow these steps:

  1. Select the “View” tab in Excel.
  2. Click on the “Freeze Panes” option.
  3. Select “Unfreeze Panes” from the dropdown menu.

Method 2: Check Ctrl Or Shift Key

If the CTRL or SHIFT key on your keyboard is stuck, it might interfere with the scroll bar functionality in Excel. Press the key again to release it and check if the issue is resolved.

Method 3: Disable Zoom On Roll With Intellimouse

Excel has a feature called “Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse” which can cause issues with the scroll bar. To disable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “File” tab in Excel.
  2. Select “Options” and navigate to the “Advanced” tab.
  3. Scroll down to the “Display” section.
  4. Unmark the “Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse” option.
  5. Click “OK” to save the changes.

Method 4: Delete Empty Rows Or Columns

If there are any empty rows or columns beyond your data range, they can affect the scroll bar functionality. Delete these empty rows or columns to resolve the issue.

Fix Vertical Scroll Bar Not Working in Excel [Quick Methods]


Alternative Methods for Scrolling

In addition to fixing the scroll bar, Excel provides alternative methods for scrolling through your data. Here are a couple of handy tricks:

Favorite Trick For Selecting Data

If you want to select a large range of data without using the scroll bar, you can hold down the “CTRL” key and use the arrow keys to move around and select the desired cells. This can be a time-saving technique when working with extensive spreadsheets.

Caution When Using Certain Columns For Selection

When using the above trick for selecting data, be cautious when selecting cells that contain formulas or data formats that should remain consistent. If you inadvertently overwrite these cells, it can lead to unintended consequences in your spreadsheet.

Fix Vertical Scroll Bar Not Working in Excel [Quick Methods]


Frequently Asked Questions On Fix Vertical Scroll Bar Not Working In Excel [quick Methods]

How Do I Reset The Vertical Scroll Bar In Excel?

To reset the vertical scroll bar in Excel, follow these steps: 1. Click on the File tab and select Options. 2. Go to the Advanced tab. 3. Scroll down to the Display section. 4. Check the boxes for Show horizontal scroll bar and Show vertical scroll bar.

5. Click OK to apply the changes. You can now reset the vertical scroll bar in Excel and continue scrolling through your spreadsheet.

How Do I Turn On The Vertical Scroll Bar In Excel?

To activate the vertical scroll bar in Excel, click on File, choose Options, and go to the Advanced tab. In the Display section, select Show vertical scroll bar and then click OK. This will enable the vertical scroll bar in your Excel workbook.

Why Is The Scroll Bar Not Adjusting In Excel?

The scroll bar in Excel may not adjust due to a frozen pane, stuck SHIFT key, or modified settings. Unfreeze panes, ensure the SHIFT key is not stuck, and check settings to enable scrolling.

How Do I Restore The Scroll Bar In Excel?

To restore the scroll bar in Excel, click File > Options. Go to the Advanced tab, navigate to Display, and select Show vertical scroll bar and Show horizontal scroll bar.


In this article, we have explored several quick methods to fix the issue of the vertical scroll bar not working in Excel. By following the steps outlined, you can regain the ability to scroll smoothly and efficiently through your Excel spreadsheets. Remember to save your work after applying any fixes, and explore alternative methods for scrolling to enhance your productivity. Enjoy working with Excel!

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