How to Fix Minecraft Lan Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes

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Written By Kelley

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Here are 8 proven fixes to fix Minecraft LAN not working: ensure all devices are connected in the same network, check if antivirus software is causing disruption, verify if a firewall is blocking the LAN connection, make sure the router settings allow devices on the network to connect with each other, restart the modem/router, log out and log back into your Minecraft account, try using a different wired or wireless connection, and check if both PCs are using the same Minecraft version. By following these steps, you should be able to successfully troubleshoot and resolve any issues with Minecraft LAN connectivity.

How to Fix Minecraft Lan Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes


Common Issues With Minecraft Lan

Having trouble with Minecraft LAN not working? Discover the 8 proven fixes to troubleshoot the issue, such as checking network connections, antivirus software interference, and router security settings. Get your LAN up and running smoothly for uninterrupted gameplay.

Devices Not Connected To The Same Network

One of the most common issues with Minecraft LAN is when the computers or devices involved are not connected to the same network. This means that they are not able to communicate and connect with each other.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that all the devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Check the network settings on each device to ensure they are connected to the correct network.
  2. If the devices are on different networks, try connecting them to the same network. This can usually be done by accessing the Wi-Fi settings on the devices and selecting the desired network.
  3. Restart the devices to refresh the network connection.

By ensuring that all the devices are connected to the same network, you should be able to resolve the Minecraft LAN connectivity issue.

Disruption From Antivirus Software

Antivirus software can sometimes interfere with the connections required for Minecraft LAN to work properly. This can result in connection issues and prevent the devices from being able to connect with each other.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Temporarily disable the antivirus software on all the devices involved. Refer to the antivirus software’s documentation for instructions on how to disable it.
  2. Attempt to connect to the Minecraft LAN world after disabling the antivirus software. If the connection is successful, it indicates that the antivirus software was causing the disruption.
  3. If disabling the antivirus software resolves the issue, consider adding an exception or allowing Minecraft and the necessary network connections in the antivirus software’s settings to prevent future disruptions.
  4. Once the Minecraft LAN connection is established, you can re-enable the antivirus software.

By temporarily disabling antivirus software and allowing Minecraft the necessary permissions, you can troubleshoot and fix any disruptions caused by the antivirus software.

Firewall Preventing Lan Connection

A firewall can also prevent the LAN connection required for Minecraft to work properly. The firewall settings may block the necessary network traffic, resulting in connection issues.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Access the firewall settings on the device that is hosting the Minecraft LAN world.
  2. Ensure that the necessary ports and protocols used by Minecraft are allowed through the firewall.
  3. Add exceptions or allow Minecraft in the firewall settings to ensure the necessary network connections are not blocked.
  4. Restart Minecraft and attempt to connect to the LAN world again.

By adjusting the firewall settings to allow Minecraft and the required network connections, you can resolve any issues caused by a firewall preventing the LAN connection.

Routers With Security Measures

Some routers have security measures in place that can prevent devices on the network from connecting with each other. This can hinder the Minecraft LAN connection and result in connection issues.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Access the router settings by typing the router’s IP address into a web browser.
  2. Look for any security settings that may be preventing devices on the network from connecting with each other.
  3. Disable or adjust these security measures to allow the devices to communicate and connect with each other.
  4. Save the changes and restart the router.

By disabling or adjusting the security measures on the router, you can ensure that devices on the network can connect with each other and resolve any Minecraft LAN connection issues.

Fixing Minecraft Network Unreachable

How to Fix Minecraft LAN Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes

Restart Modem/router

If you’re experiencing a network unreachable error while trying to play Minecraft LAN with your friends, one of the first things you can try is restarting your modem or router. Sometimes, network connectivity issues can be resolved by simply power cycling the devices.

Log Out Of Account And Log Back In

In some cases, the network unreachable error can be related to authentication and connection issues with your Minecraft account. To refresh these settings, try logging out of your account and then logging back in before attempting to join the LAN game again.

Try Different Connection Type

If you’re on a wired connection, consider switching to a wireless connection or vice versa. Sometimes, the type of connection you’re using can affect the connectivity between devices on the same network. Changing the connection type may help resolve the network unreachable error.

Troubleshoot Java Edition Multiplayer Issues

If you’re specifically encountering network unreachable issues while trying to play Minecraft Java Edition multiplayer, there are a few additional troubleshooting steps you can take. Make sure that both PCs are connected to the same network and check the version of Minecraft you and your friends are using. Restarting both PCs and checking the router settings can also help resolve the problem. Additionally, try using a different cable or port on your router, and if possible, connect to a different LAN game to see if the issue persists.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the network unreachable issue and successfully connect to your friend’s LAN world in Minecraft. Remember to ensure that all devices are connected to the same network and check for any authentication or connection issues with your Minecraft account. If the problem persists, further troubleshooting may be needed.

Steps To Enable Lan In Minecraft

Having trouble enabling LAN in Minecraft? Follow these steps: launch the game and click “Single Player”, create or open a world, press Esc and click “Open to LAN”. Make sure all devices are connected to the same network for it to work properly.

discuss the steps to enable LAN in Minecraft and fix the LAN not working issue. Follow these simple steps to get your LAN connection up and running smoothly. 1. Launch the game and click “Single Player.” To enable LAN in Minecraft, you need to start by launching the game. Once the game is open, click on the “Single Player” option. 2. Create or open a world. After clicking on “Single Player,” you have the option to either create a new world or open an existing one. Choose the world you want to play in or create a new world if you don’t have one yet. 3. Press the Esc key, then click “Open to LAN.” Once you are inside the world, press the Esc key on your keyboard to open the pause menu. From there, click on the “Open to LAN” option. These steps ensure that your LAN connection is enabled within the Minecraft game. Now, you and your friends should be able to connect to the same LAN world and play together. If you are still experiencing issues with your LAN not working in Minecraft, try the following troubleshooting steps: – Make sure all computers or devices are connected to the same network. – Check if any antivirus software is disrupting the LAN connection and temporarily disable it. – Verify that your firewall settings allow for LAN connections. – Some routers have security measures that prevent devices on the network from connecting with each other. Check your router settings for any such configurations and adjust them accordingly. – If using a wired connection, try connecting with a wireless connection or vice versa. – Restart your modem/router to refresh the network connection. – Restart your device to refresh your profile’s authentication and connection with the Minecraft servers. – Check the version of Minecraft you are using and ensure that all players have the same version. – If possible, try connecting to a different LAN game to isolate the issue. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to enable LAN in Minecraft and fix any issues that may be causing your LAN connection to not work. Start exploring and playing in the virtual world together with your friends now!
How to Fix Minecraft Lan Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes


Troubleshooting Minecraft Lan Connection Timeout

If you’re experiencing a LAN connection timeout issue while playing Minecraft with your friends, don’t worry – there are several proven fixes that can help you resolve this problem. In this section, we will explore eight troubleshooting steps to get your Minecraft LAN connection up and running again.

Ensure Both Pcs Are Connected To The Same Network

The very first thing you should check when facing LAN connection timeout in Minecraft is that both PCs are connected to the same network. This may sound obvious, but sometimes a simple network issue can cause the connection to fail. Make sure both PCs are connected to the same Wi-Fi network or are connected by an Ethernet cable to the same router.

Check Minecraft Version Compatibility

Another potential cause of LAN connection timeout in Minecraft is version compatibility issues. Make sure that all players are running the same version of Minecraft. Check for any available updates and ensure everyone is using the same version to avoid connection conflicts.

Restart Pcs And Try Again

If both PCs are connected to the same network and running the same version of Minecraft, but you’re still experiencing a LAN connection timeout, try restarting both PCs. Sometimes a simple reset can resolve temporary network issues and get the LAN connection working properly again.

Verify Router Settings

In some cases, router settings can interfere with Minecraft’s LAN connection. Make sure your router settings allow for device-to-device communication within your network. Ensure that any firewall or security settings are not blocking the Minecraft LAN connection. Adjust the router settings if necessary to enable smooth communication between devices.

Try Different Cable Or Port

If you’re using an Ethernet cable to connect your PC to the router, try using a different cable or port on the router. Sometimes a faulty cable or malfunctioning port can cause connection issues. By switching to a different cable or port, you can eliminate any hardware-related problems that may be affecting the LAN connection.

Attempt Connection With A Different Lan Game

If the LAN connection timeout issue persists even after trying the previous fixes, it’s worth attempting to connect with a different LAN game. This can help determine whether the problem lies with Minecraft itself or with the network configuration. Try connecting with a different LAN game, and if the connection works smoothly, it suggests that the issue may be specific to Minecraft.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to fix the Minecraft LAN connection timeout issue and enjoy seamless multiplayer gaming with your friends. Make sure to check each step carefully and eliminate any potential roadblocks to a successful LAN connection in Minecraft.

Proven Fixes For Minecraft Lan Not Working

Are you having trouble connecting to a LAN game in Minecraft? Don’t worry, we have you covered. Below are 8 proven fixes to help you troubleshoot and resolve any LAN connection issues you may be experiencing. Follow these steps to get back to playing and enjoying your Minecraft adventures with your friends.

Check Network Connection And Set To Private

If you are unable to connect to a LAN game in Minecraft, the first thing you should do is check your network connection. Ensure that all computers or devices are connected to the same network. This will ensure proper communication between devices.

It is also important to set your network to private. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel on your computer.
  2. Go to “Network and Internet” and click on “Network and Sharing Center”.
  3. Click on “Change advanced sharing settings”.
  4. Under the “Private” category, ensure that network discovery and file and printer sharing are turned on.

Update Network Drivers

Outdated network drivers can often cause issues with LAN connections in Minecraft. To update your network drivers, follow these steps:

  1. Open Device Manager on your computer.
  2. Expand the “Network Adapters” category.
  3. Right-click on your network adapter and select “Update driver”.
  4. Choose to search automatically for updated driver software.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the driver update.

Ensure Everyone Is Running The Same Game Version

If you are experiencing LAN connection issues in Minecraft, it is crucial that everyone in your group is running the same game version. Follow these steps to check and update your game version:

  1. Launch Minecraft and go to the main menu.
  2. Click on “Options” and then select “Resource Packs”.
  3. Disable any resource packs that are enabled.
  4. Go back to the main menu and click on “Options” again.
  5. Select “Video Settings” and then “Details”.
  6. Make sure that the “Graphics” option is set to “Fast”.
  7. Finally, click on “Done” to save your changes.

Try Direct Connection

If the above fixes did not solve the issue, you can try connecting directly to the host’s IP address. Here’s how:

  • Launch Minecraft and select “Multiplayer” from the main menu.
  • Click on “Direct Connect”.
  • Enter the IP address of the host player.
  • Click “Join Server” to connect.

Allow Minecraft Executable Through Firewall

If your firewall is blocking the Minecraft executable, you won’t be able to connect to a LAN game. To allow Minecraft through the firewall, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel on your computer.
  2. Go to “System and Security” and click on “Windows Defender Firewall”.
  3. Click on “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall”.
  4. Click on “Change Settings” and then click on “Allow another app”.
  5. Navigate to the folder where Minecraft is installed and select the Minecraft executable.
  6. Click on “Add” to add the Minecraft executable to the allowed list.
  7. Make sure both the private and public checkboxes are checked.

By following these proven fixes, you should be able to resolve any Minecraft LAN connection issues you may be experiencing. Now you can get back to playing and enjoying the game with your friends. Happy gaming!

How to Fix Minecraft Lan Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes


Troubleshooting Minecraft Lan Server Issues

Having trouble connecting to a Minecraft LAN server? Check if all devices are connected to the same network, ensure no antivirus software or firewall is disrupting the connection, and consider adjusting router settings. Troubleshooting these common issues can help fix Minecraft LAN not working.

Open Lan World Via Command Prompt

If you’re facing Minecraft LAN server issues, one of the troubleshooting steps you can take is to open the LAN world via the command prompt. To do this:

  1. Open the Command Prompt on your computer.
  2. Type ipconfig and hit Enter.
  3. Look for the IPv4 address under the “Ethernet adapter” or “Wi-Fi adapter” section.
  4. Note down this IP address.
  5. Launch Minecraft and select Single Player.
  6. Open the world you want to play in.
  7. Press the Esc key and click on Open to LAN.
  8. Note down the port number mentioned in the chat.
  9. Now, ask your friend to open Minecraft and select Multiplayer.
  10. They should click on Direct Connect and enter your IPv4 address followed by a colon and the port number.
  11. Finally, they can click on Join Server to connect to your LAN world.

Ensure Devices Connected To The Same Network

Another common cause of Minecraft LAN not working is when the devices are not connected to the same network. To resolve this:

  • Check if all the devices, including computers and consoles, are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • If not, connect them to the same network.
  • Ensure that the devices are within the range of the Wi-Fi router.
  • If necessary, restart the Wi-Fi router to refresh the network connection.

Check Firewall Settings

Firewall settings can often interfere with Minecraft LAN server connections. To check and adjust firewall settings:

  1. Open the Control Panel on your computer.
  2. Go to the System and Security section.
  3. Click on Windows Defender Firewall.
  4. Click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
  5. Scroll down and look for Java(TM) Platform SE Binary or Minecraft.
  6. Make sure both boxes next to it are checked.
  7. If it’s not listed, click on Allow another app and browse for the Minecraft launcher or Java executable file.
  8. Check the Private and Public boxes for the Minecraft or Java entry.
  9. Click on OK to save the changes.

Troubleshoot Lan Server Discovery

If you’re still unable to connect to a LAN server in Minecraft, you can try troubleshooting the LAN server discovery. Follow these steps:

  1. Disable any VPN or proxy software running on your computer.
  2. Ensure that network discovery is turned on for your network.
  3. Restart your router to refresh the network connection.
  4. Verify that the multiplayer settings in Minecraft are properly configured.
  5. Try using direct IP connection by entering the IPv4 address of the computer hosting the LAN server in the Direct Connect option in Minecraft.
  6. If all else fails, you can try reinstalling Minecraft or updating to the latest version to fix any potential bugs or issues.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to fix Minecraft LAN not working issues and enjoy seamless multiplayer gaming with your friends on the same network.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Fix Minecraft Lan Not Working: 8 Proven Fixes

Why Is My Minecraft Lan World Not Working?

Your Minecraft LAN world may not be working due to the following reasons: 1. Computers or devices are not connected to the same network. 2. Antivirus software is interfering with the LAN connection. 3. A firewall may be blocking the LAN connection.

4. Some routers have security measures that prevent devices on the network from connecting. To troubleshoot the issue, ensure the devices are connected to the same network and check firewall and router settings.

How Do I Fix My Minecraft Network Is Unreachable?

To fix your Minecraft network being unreachable, try the following steps: 1. Restart your modem/router. 2. Log out of your Minecraft account and log back in. 3. Restart your device. 4. Try switching from a wired to a wireless connection or vice versa.

How Do I Enable Lan In Minecraft?

To enable LAN in Minecraft, follow these steps: 1. Launch the game and click on Single Player. 2. Create a new world or open an existing one. 3. Inside the world, press the Esc key and click on Open to LAN.

That’s it! Now you can enjoy LAN multiplayer in Minecraft.

How Do I Fix My Minecraft Lan Connection Timed Out?

To fix Minecraft LAN connection timed out: 1. Ensure both devices are on the same network. 2. Check that both devices are using the same Minecraft version. 3. Restart both devices. 4. Review your router settings. 5. Try using a different cable or port on your router.

6. Attempt to connect to a different LAN game.


To sum it up, if you’re experiencing Minecraft LAN connection issues, there are several proven fixes you can try. Ensure all devices are connected to the same network and check if the network is set to Private. Restart your modem or router, and try connecting with a different cable or port.

Additionally, update your network drivers and make sure everyone is running the same version of Minecraft. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the LAN not working problem and enjoy multiplayer gaming with your friends.

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