Prevent Users from Editing Sharepoint Pages [Quick Guide]

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Written By Kelley

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Prevent Users from Editing SharePoint Pages [Quick Guide]

Are you looking to safeguard your SharePoint pages from unwanted edits? In this quick guide, we will show you simple steps to prevent users from editing your SharePoint pages, ensuring data integrity and security.

Prevent Users from Editing Sharepoint Pages [Quick Guide]


Steps to Prevent Users from Editing SharePoint Pages:

  1. Go to Site Settings in your SharePoint site.
  2. Navigate to Site Permissions.
  3. Access Permission Levels and select ‘Read’.
  4. Copy the Read permissions and create a new permission level.
  5. In the new permission level, uncheck ‘Edit items’ and save changes.

Additional Tips to Secure SharePoint Pages:

  • Utilize site access restriction policies to control user groups’ access.
  • Regularly review and update permission levels to maintain security.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication for enhanced user verification.
  • Monitor user activities and audit logs for suspicious behavior.
  • Educate users on the importance of data security and permissions.
Prevent Users from Editing Sharepoint Pages [Quick Guide]


Resources for Further Assistance:

By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively prevent users from editing your SharePoint pages, ensuring the security and integrity of your data. Stay informed, stay secure!

Frequently Asked Questions Of Prevent Users From Editing Sharepoint Pages [quick Guide]

How Do I Prevent Users From Editing Sharepoint Pages?

To prevent users from editing SharePoint pages, customize permissions for the document library. Access the Permissions page, select the user or group, and choose ‘Remove User Permissions’. Stop inheritance permissions to restrict editing access effectively.

How Do I Make A Sharepoint Page Not Editable?

To make a SharePoint page not editable, go to Settings > Site Permissions > Advanced permission settings > Permission Levels. Click ‘Contribute’, then ‘Copy Permission Level’. In the new page, uncheck ‘Edit items’, and click ‘Create’.

Can You Restrict Access To Sharepoint Pages?

Yes, you can restrict access to SharePoint pages by customizing user permissions. In the SharePoint settings, go to Site Permissions and then Advanced Permission Settings. From there, you can create a new permission level that limits the editing rights of certain users.

By removing the “Edit” permission for specific individuals or groups, you can effectively restrict their access to editing the pages.

How Do I Kick Someone Out Of Editing A Sharepoint Page?

To kick someone out of editing a SharePoint page, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Settings menu. 2. Click on “Site Permissions” and then “Advanced permission settings”. 3. In the Permission Levels section, select “Contribute”. 4. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Copy Permission Level”.

5. Create a new permission level by filling in the name and unchecking the “Edit items” option. 6. Click on “Create” to save the changes. By customizing the permission levels, you can effectively prevent users from editing SharePoint pages.

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