[Fixed] Why Is Discord Ping 5000Ms & Here’S What To Do

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Written By Kelley

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Normally, high Discord ping is due to platform outages, internet connection issues, or having too many apps running in the background. This can result in a slow response time and lag during communication on the platform.

It is important to troubleshoot these issues by checking for any outages in your area, ensuring a stable internet connection, and closing any unnecessary applications running in the background. Additionally, updating your network driver and contacting your internet service provider for assistance can help resolve the high ping issue.

By following these steps, you can improve your Discord experience and lower your ping for smoother communication.

[Fixed] Why Is Discord Ping 5000Ms & Here’S What To Do

Credit: www.reddit.com

Understanding High Discord Ping

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Discord, a popular communication platform for gamers, allows users to chat, voice call, and video call with friends and fellow gamers. However, you may experience high Discord ping, resulting in laggy voice calls and delayed message delivery. Understanding the causes, impact, and signs of high Discord ping can help you troubleshoot and improve your communication experience.

Common Causes Of High Discord Ping

There are several common causes that can result in high Discord ping:

  • Platform outages: Discord may experience temporary outages or server issues, leading to increased ping.
  • Internet connection issues: If your internet connection is unstable or slow, it can cause high Discord ping.
  • Background apps: Running too many resource-intensive applications in the background can consume network bandwidth and increase ping.

Impact Of High Discord Ping

High Discord ping can have a significant impact on your communication experience:

  • Laggy voice calls: High ping can result in delays and interruptions during voice calls, making it difficult to have smooth conversations.
  • Delayed message delivery: When your ping is high, it takes longer for your messages to reach other users, causing delays in communication.
  • Poor gaming performance: Gamers rely on low ping to have a seamless gaming experience. High Discord ping can lead to increased latency and affect gameplay.

Signs Of High Discord Ping

Here are some signs that indicate you may be experiencing high Discord ping:

  • Repeated audio cutouts or stuttering during voice calls.
  • Long delays in receiving and sending messages.
  • Increased latency and lag in online gaming sessions.

By recognizing these signs, you can take necessary steps to troubleshoot and improve your Discord ping for better communication and gaming experiences.

[Fixed] Why Is Discord Ping 5000Ms & Here’S What To Do

Credit: support.discord.com

Troubleshooting High Discord Ping

Experiencing high Discord ping can be caused by platform outages, internet connection problems, or excessive background apps. Try troubleshooting by switching to an Ethernet connection, disabling a VPN, flushing your DNS, updating your network driver, or contacting your internet service provider.

Experiencing high Discord ping can be frustrating, causing delays and interruptions in your conversations with friends and teammates. Fortunately, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to address this issue. In this section, we will explore three effective methods to help you optimize your Discord ping and improve your overall experience.

Check For Platform Outages

Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s important to rule out any platform-related issues. Discord occasionally experiences outages that can result in high ping. To check for platform outages, you can visit the Discord Status page. This page provides real-time information about the status of the Discord platform, including any ongoing incidents or maintenance activities. If there are any reported outages, it’s best to wait until the issue is resolved before troubleshooting further.

Optimize Internet Connection

Another common cause of high Discord ping is a suboptimal internet connection. To optimize your internet connection, follow these steps:

  1. Switch from a wireless connection to an Ethernet connection whenever possible. Ethernet connections tend to be more stable and offer lower latency compared to Wi-Fi.
  2. Disable any VPN software you may be using. VPNs can introduce additional latency and affect the overall performance of your Discord connection.
  3. Flush your DNS cache to ensure your device is using the latest DNS records. To do this, open the command prompt or terminal and enter the command: ipconfig /flushdns (for Windows) or sudo dscacheutil -flushcache (for macOS).
  4. Update your network driver to the latest version. Outdated network drivers can sometimes cause connectivity issues and result in high ping. Visit the website of your network adapter’s manufacturer to download and install the latest driver.
  5. Contact your internet service provider (ISP) to check if there are any known network issues in your area. They may be able to provide insights or offer solutions to improve your connection’s performance.

Manage Background Apps

Having too many resource-intensive apps running in the background can significantly impact your Discord ping. To manage background apps effectively, consider the following tips:

  • Close any unnecessary apps or programs that are consuming network resources. These apps may include file-sharing software, video streaming services, or download managers.
  • Avoid running multiple browser tabs or applications that require a high amount of network bandwidth simultaneously.
  • Disable automatic updates for software that may consume bandwidth during the update process. Schedule updates for a time when you’re not actively using Discord.
  • Consider using a network monitoring tool to identify resource-intensive apps or processes that may be affecting your overall network performance. This will allow you to pinpoint and manage such apps more efficiently.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can significantly improve your Discord ping and enjoy smoother communication within the platform. Remember to test your Discord connection after implementing each method to assess the impact and determine if further adjustments are necessary.

Advanced Solutions For High Discord Ping

Experiencing high Discord ping? This is likely caused by platform outages, internet connection problems, or too many background apps running. Learn how to fix it by changing to an Ethernet connection, disabling VPN, flushing DNS, updating network driver, or contacting your ISP.

Having a high Discord ping can be frustrating when trying to communicate with others on the platform. Fortunately, there are advanced solutions you can try to improve your Discord ping and ensure a smoother experience. In this section, we will cover two effective methods: disabling VPN and adjusting Discord settings, as well as flushing DNS and updating network drivers. Let’s dive in:

Disable Vpn And Adjust Discord Settings

If you are using a VPN, it’s worth disabling it temporarily to see if it improves your Discord ping. VPNs can sometimes introduce additional latency, causing higher ping. To disable your VPN:

  1. Locate the VPN software on your device and open it.
  2. Look for the option to disconnect or disable the VPN. Click on it.

After disabling your VPN, it’s time to adjust your Discord settings to optimize your connection. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Discord and click on the gear icon located at the bottom left to access User Settings.
  2. In the User Settings menu, click on the “Voice & Video” tab on the left-hand side.
  3. Scroll down to the “Quality of Service” section and make sure the “Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority” option is turned off.
  4. Additionally, you can try reducing the “Voice Activity Sensitivity” slider to avoid unnecessary voice transmission.
  5. Click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom to apply the settings.

Flush Dns And Update Network Driver

Another possible solution to high Discord ping is to flush the DNS cache on your device and update your network driver. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “cmd” and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. In the Command Prompt, type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter. This will clear the DNS cache on your device.
  4. Next, you’ll need to update your network driver. Visit the website of your network adapter’s manufacturer and search for the latest driver for your specific model.
  5. Download and install the updated driver according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

By flushing the DNS cache and updating your network driver, you can potentially resolve any underlying network issues that may be causing high Discord ping.

Activate Hardware Acceleration

If the previous solutions didn’t improve your Discord ping, you can try activating hardware acceleration. This feature offloads some processing tasks to your device’s GPU, which can help reduce latency. To enable hardware acceleration in Discord:

  1. Open Discord and go to User Settings by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom left.
  2. In the User Settings menu, click on the “Appearance” tab on the left-hand side.
  3. Scroll down to the “Advanced” section and toggle the “Hardware Acceleration” option on.
  4. Restart Discord to apply the changes.

Enabling hardware acceleration can potentially enhance your Discord performance and lower your ping, especially if you have a capable GPU.

By following these advanced solutions, you can troubleshoot and hopefully improve your Discord ping. Remember to test your ping after implementing each solution to determine its effectiveness. It’s also a good idea to keep your device and network drivers up to date for optimal performance.

[Fixed] Why Is Discord Ping 5000Ms & Here’S What To Do

Credit: www.reddit.com

Frequently Asked Questions On [fixed] Why Is Discord Ping 5000ms & Here’s What To Do

Why Does My Discord Ping Spike To 5000?

High Discord ping can be caused by platform outages, internet connection issues, or having too many apps running in the background. To fix it, try changing to a wired Ethernet connection, disable VPN, flush your DNS, update your network driver, or contact your internet service provider.

Restarting your modem, router, and computer may also help. Additionally, check for network outages in your area and ensure that Discord isn’t blocked on your network.

How Do I Fix High Ping In Discord?

To fix high ping in Discord, try the following steps: 1. Use an Ethernet connection instead of wireless. 2. Disable VPN. 3. Flush your DNS. 4. Update your network driver. 5. Contact your internet service provider. Make sure there are no outages in your area.

Also, check if Discord is blocked on your network.

Why Is My Voice Connection So Bad On Discord?

There are a few reasons why your voice connection on Discord may be bad. It could be due to platform outages, internet connection issues, or too many apps running in the background. You can try restarting your modem, router, and computer, checking for outages in your area, or contacting your internet service provider for assistance.

How Do I Fix Discord Packet Loss?

To fix Discord packet loss, follow these steps: 1. Close all network consuming applications running in the background. 2. Troubleshoot your internet connection. 3. Check if Discord is down. 4. Adjust Discord settings. 5. Clear the DNS cache. 6. Update your network driver.

7. Reset Windows’ network settings. These actions can help resolve packet loss issues on Discord.


When faced with high Discord ping, it is often caused by platform outages, internet connection issues, or background apps hogging resources. To address this, you can try switching from a wireless to an Ethernet connection, disabling VPN, flushing your DNS, updating network drivers, or contacting your internet service provider.

Additionally, restarting your modem, router, and computer, checking for outages in your area, and consulting with your network administrator can help improve the voice connection. Remember to close network-consuming apps, troubleshoot your connection, adjust Discord settings, clear DNS cache, and download the latest network driver update to fix packet loss.

By following these steps, you can lower your Discord ping and enjoy a smoother experience.

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