Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime [Fix High Cpu & Ram Usage]

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Written By Kelley

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Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime [Fix High CPU & RAM Usage]

If you are facing issues with high CPU and RAM usage while using Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime, you are not alone. This common problem can impact your browsing experience and overall system performance. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to address these resource-hungry behaviors and optimize the performance of your browser.

Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime [Fix High Cpu & Ram Usage]


Methods to Fix High RAM Usage on Microsoft Edge

If you are experiencing high memory usage on Microsoft Edge, which may result in sluggish performance, you can try the following methods:

Disable Hardware Acceleration

One common cause of high RAM consumption in Microsoft Edge is Hardware Acceleration. Here’s how you can disable it:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge browser.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click on System.
  4. Toggle off the option for Hardware Acceleration.
  5. Restart the browser to apply the changes.

Fixing High CPU Usage Issues

If your CPU is under heavy load while using Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime, the following methods can help alleviate the issue:

Optimize System Resources

Make sure that your system resources are not overstressed, which could contribute to high CPU usage. Close unnecessary background apps and tabs to free up CPU cycles.

Check For Browser Extensions

Some browser extensions can consume significant CPU resources. Disable or remove any unnecessary extensions to reduce the CPU load on Microsoft Edge.

Clear Browsing Data

Regularly clear your browsing history, cache, and cookies to prevent the browser from using excessive CPU cycles to manage data.

Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime [Fix High Cpu & Ram Usage]


Additional Resources and Tools

For more detailed guidance on optimizing Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime and addressing CPU and RAM usage issues, you can refer to the following resources:

By implementing these solutions and utilizing the available resources, you can effectively manage and reduce high CPU and RAM usage on Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime, ensuring a smoother and more efficient browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime [fix High Cpu & Ram Usage]

How Do I Repair Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime?

To repair Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime, launch the WebView2 Runtime installer and follow on-screen prompts.

How Do I Fix High Ram Usage On Microsoft Edge?

You can fix high RAM usage on Microsoft Edge by disabling hardware acceleration and reducing the number of open windows/tabs. Clearing cache and updating the browser can also help optimize RAM usage.

How Do I Fix High Cpu Usage On Microsoft Edge?

To fix high CPU usage on Microsoft Edge, try disabling hardware acceleration. This can be done by going to the browser’s settings and turning off the option. While browsing, make sure to close unnecessary tabs or windows to reduce the strain on your CPU.

Another option is to use a PC optimization tool like SystemBooster or uninstall any unnecessary software that may be running in the background. Implementing these methods should help resolve the high CPU usage issue on Microsoft Edge.

Is It Ok To Uninstall Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime?

Uninstalling Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime is not recommended as it is an essential component for certain applications and functionalities. Removing it may cause issues with your system.

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